
Project newsletters will be posted here: there will be two per year.

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Newsletter #6 Jan-2020
Summary of the project results
Automated algorithm development at UPV
Advances in grating production at Ibsen Photonics
1 µm axial resolution characterisation by DTU
Application of the two GALAHAD systems
Project workshop
Newsletter #5 Aug-2019
New ultra-broadband PM components
Automated segmentation algorithm
Imaging of human and rodent retinas
Newsletter #4 Feb-2019
Supercontinuum noise model for OCT imaging
Update on GALAHAD system integration
Numerical dispersion cancellation in OCT
Ethical requirements of GALAHAD data
Newlsetter #3 Jun-2018
3D tissue models for OCT
Polarised supercontinuum sources
Broadband components for OCT
Newsletter #2 Feb-2018
Spectrometer design
OCT image segmentation
The prospects for glaucoma screening
Newsletter #1 Jul-2017
Introduction to the project:
The potential benefits of glaucoma screening
Key elements of GALAHAD