GALAHAD partner UPV at IDEAL 2018

By | November 10, 2018

GALAHAD partner UPV will have a strong presence at IDEAL 2018 (International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning; 21-23 Nov-2018; Madrid, Spain). This annual international conference focuses on emerging and challenging topics in intelligent data analysis, data mining and their associated learning systems and paradigms. Its core themes include: the big data challenges, machine learning, data mining and real-world applications of intelligent techniques.

UPV will present four GALAHAD-related papers at this event:

Session 8B: Medical Applications of Artificial Intelligence (1 UPV paper) THU 22-Nov-2018; 14:10
Deep Learning-based Approach for the Semantic Segmentation of Bright Retinal Damage

Session 9A: Image Analysis (3 UPV papers) THU 22-Nov-2018; 16:40
Deep-Learning-based Classification of Rat OCT images after Intravitreal Injection of ET-1 for Glaucoma Understanding
Retinal Image Synthesis for Glaucoma Assessment using DCGAN and VAE Models
Comparison of Local Analysis Strategies for Exudate Detection in Fundus Images



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